Dedication About Muaythai Ontario Canada


waikruThe purpose of the Ministry of Tourism Culture and sport regulate to become an official sport in Ontario:

  1. One province, one sport, one body sanction to protect the tradition of muay thai, to protect, learn and practice traditional muay thai in the province. To be explicit: not to mix with another sport of martial art. Like other sports: wrestling, judo, and boxing, Muay Thai is a single sport – and soon to be in the Olympics.
  2. To preserve the culture of Thai people. When the Ministry changed from Health and Promotion to Ministry Tourism, Culture, and Sport – there is a distinct expectation to preserve culture. For Muay Thai that is the culture of Thai people and the national sport of Thailand.

The people ask me so many questions:

  1. Can everybody learn Muay Thai?  My answer is, yes. Everyone can learn Muay Thai but it must be learned from a qualified expert, teacher, instructor from a recognized school.
  2. Can everybody teach Muay Thai? My answer is, no. The philosophy of Muay Thai is, if you are not sure; if you do not know; if you do not understand – do not teach to others because you will change the sport and the culture and the style and symbol of Muay Thai.
  3. Can any gym be a member of Muay Thai Ontario? My answer is, no. You are not allowed to mix Muay Thai with other sports, other martial arts. Let me explain: just like you cannot mix religions, you cannot mix culture of nations, and you cannot mix professions (a lawyer is not a doctor, a teacher is not a lawyer) – you cannot mix martial art. Muay Thai is Muay Thai. I always teach my students when you teach Muay Thai classes, that the classes are pure and specific to Muay Thai. I am not suggesting that a gym cannot host multiple arts or sports; but what I am strongly saying is that Muay Thai must be kept separate and be specific to Muay Thai.

My job today is to make sure the following steps:

  1. Protect the traditional sport of Thailand.
  2. Preserve the culture and symbol of Thai people.
  3. Protect my students who are qualified to teach Muay Thai, who have a traditional Muay Thai gym.
  4. To develop this sport in the community and the schools so students who want to learn proper Muay Thai benefit.
  5. The development of Muay Thai in Canada makes a contribution to the development of sport, back to Thailand.
  6. Train students to become Muay Thai fighters to represent their gyms at the provincial level and national level properly and represent Canada, our country, at the international level properly with technique and style of Muay Thai.

There will be a Team Canada for the Olympics in the near future.

In the last few years, even though we get Muay Thai Ontario by the government I see Muay Thai change so much – continue to change from tradition to mix of kickboxing and other things. There is a loss of proper style of Muay Thai, as the community should understand. Also, I do not see a proper Team Canada to represent the country properly. I will continue to work with the government of Ontario to regulate standards for gyms of Muay Thai so students, the community, and the country benefit and to protect traditional Muay Thai and to presever the culture of Muay Thai and Thai people.

Finally, I will continue to work with those involved in Ontario at the government level including those in our PSO who work tirelessly and give their best, as they know. And, I will continue to work with the Thai government. My commitment to Muay Thai and Muay Thai students is my number 1 priority.

1 thought on “Dedication About Muaythai Ontario Canada

  1. Greetings Ajahn Suchart,
    I want to thank you for your efforts to promote the preservation of an extraordinary lifestyle. I am the student from Calgary that Master Dabphichai had taught for many years before certifying me as a Kru on his team 🙂 We hosted a seminar for you at the Calgary Stampede, I have also studied Wushu and Sanshou with Sifu Kovacs.
    I am now in Northern Ontario and would like to share some of your teachings with some kid’s groups up here and wondered if you know where Master Dab is, so I may ask his blessing? I am so inspired by your determination, the kids up here in Thunder Bay could use some of that.
    I wish the very best for you and your family and look forward to many seminars to come. Please give my best to Peter and Kru Dar for a speedy return to business.

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